Friday, August 17, 2012

Twin Monkeys!

                        When I was playing Best Dressed. On the first round,
                            I noticed two Identical monkeys were matching.
                                     They both wore everything the same.
                       And did the same emotes. I thought this was neat so I wanted to
                          show everyone! Introducing the Twin Monkeys. It
                        could be a glitch or just two people on the computer together (:



  1. Me and my sister sinse we have two computures do that sometimes we count to 3 before we enter the game and than we keep trying til we are in the game together and we dress up all one color and than we vote for eachother each time so we earn gems unless we think some one looks like they really deserve it and sometimes we dress exactly alike and we count to three on the faces

  2. spelt since wrong *since


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